Generative Art & Prints

lichterloh | REZIPROK <br> <h6>generative art</h6> Screenshot 2024 08 07 at 13.57.35

A generative algorithm inspired by wind guides particles, bringing them to life in a dynamic dance around a 3D scan of one of Clemens Wolf’s parachute sculptures. These particles, emerging from the surface of the 3D object, interact with the sculpture in a visually captivating manner, weaving a poetic narrative that evokes a sense of harmony between analog and digital art. Ateq’s sound design enhances this interplay by incorporating wind sounds, underlining the symbiotic relationship.

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Reziprok is the outcome of a collaboration between the painter/sculpturer Clemens Wolf (anotherwordfor), musician ateq and us. This piece seamlessly combines the physicality of Wolf’s parachute sculpture with the abstract realm of a real-time programming surrounded by a coherent soundscape.

This generative artwork was displayed on a triptych. Additionally, there are 127 unique prints, each capturing a specific moment of the algorithm.